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Stockholmspolisens IF
Swim Club
Technique Groups

Challenger (Utmanaren) Groups
Improve your swimming skills with Stockholmspolisens IF Swim Club!


Technique development and a taste of competitive swimming for children
Our Challenger (Utmanaren) groups are designed to offer both technique development and an introduction to competitive skills for children aged 7-12. There is strong emphasis on perfecting the basis of all four swimming strokes, as well as starts and turns and other racing skills.Through the completion of the three Challenger groups (Bonze, Silver and Gold) swimmers can then move on to join our clubs Simiaden section. 
For more information about our Challenger groups, please visit our Swedish webpage "Våra Utmanargrupper"There you can find more information about the different levels and their respective criteria and goals, as well as our clubs current group structure and code of conduct.
Membership and fees
Please note that a membership fee applies for non-members. For information about membership and fees click here.
Contact and booking information
For questions regarding our swimming school please contact
To book a course click here!
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